英文: Unknown answer for simple SMT-LIB expression 问题 我对SMT求解是新手。下面的表达式是一个非常简单的示例。 行4和5将变量z的可能值限制为零或一。...
实现x86 PDEP/PEXT指令在SMTlib中的高效方式
英文: Implementing the x86 PDEP/PEXT instructions efficiently in SMTlib 问题 在SMTlib位向量语法中,是否有一种有效的方式来指定...
英文: Are Int and Real somehow compatible in SMT-LIB? 问题 在SMT-LIB中,等号运算符通常要求它的操作数具有相同的类型。例如,这是一个错误: (s...
Quantifier elimination 保留等价性吗?在 Z3 中呢?
英文: Does quantifier elimination preserve equi-satisfiability or equivalence? And in Z3? 问题 Quantifie...
If a theory is decidable in the existential fragment, does this mean that there is a (terminating) method to obtain witnesses of satisfaction?
英文: If a theory is decidable in the existential fragment, does this mean that there is a (terminatin...
英文: Specifying modular arithmetic conditions in Z3 问题 BitVecExpr[] b = new BitVecExpr[5]; for (int i...
Implementation for decision procedure for the theory of the reals
英文: Implementation for decision procedure for the theory of the reals 问题 有关实数的一阶理论的实现吗?我知道Collins基于圆...