英文: How do I compare two perlin noise images? 问题 两个Perlin噪声图像是否是由相同的参数生成的可以通过以下方法来判断吗? 例如,以下这两个图像: 和...
英文: Understanding mel-scaled spectrogram for a simple sine wave 问题 I generate a simple sine wave wit...
英文: Understanding MFCC output for a simple sine wave 问题 我生成了一个频率为200的简单正弦波,并计算FFT以检查获得的频率是否正确。 然后,我计...
英文: How can I generate a sine wave with consistent "vibrato" 问题 我正在尝试创建一个包含440Hz正弦波音调和10Hz...
Python代码中使用16 QAM映射进行消息重建存在问题。
英文: Issue with message reconstruction using 16 QAM mapping in Python code 问题 I have reviewed the pro...
英文: How can I improve my Python code for classifying intermittent signals in a timeseries? 问题 Classi...
如何在GNU Radio中计算两个信号源之间的相位差
英文: How to calculate the Phase difference between two signal sources in GNU Radio 问题 I am trying to ...
英文: Implement 2nd order low pass filter in C++, how to compute coefficients? 问题 I see that you're wo...
英文: Why does the Nyquist frequency of FFT of even length dataset end up on negative side of spectrum...
英文: Division in Verilog and Q factor representation 问题 I am currently working on a design of an algo...