英文: variables that are scoped to a call stack 问题 这不是特定于某种语言的问题,而是一个通用的编程问题,旨在了解是否有一些编程语言具有这种构造,如果没有的...
英文: C++ Issue with scope? 问题 以下是您要的代码部分的中文翻译: 我正在尝试交换指针,使其指向在方法内部创建的新类实例的地址,但一旦返回到主函数,引用就丢失了,这是因为作用域...
“FATAL ERROR: SIGABRT” 在自定义字符串类中定义字符串构造函数时发生。
英文: "FATAL ERROR: SIGABRT" when defining a string constructor in a custom String class 问题 ...
英文: How can I encapsulate my code, so I can pass arguments from one function to another? 问题 I wrote ...
i couldn't figure it out why compiler show this "error: 'i' was not declared in this scope"
英文: i couldn't figure it out why compiler show this "error: 'i' was not declared in...
英文: How to get types of variables from outside the scope of a functions? 问题 我有一个函数,在其中声明了一个具有相对复杂结构的...
英文: why am i getting warnings errors due to assignment of a variable's address to a pointer in t...
英文: prometheus ConstLabels take value 问题 我是你的中文翻译助手,以下是你要翻译的内容: 我对Golang还很陌生,也许我的问题很简单,但我已经尝试了很多方法来解...
英文: Is there a sound use case for having multiple variables of the same name in different scopes? 问题...
英文: When accessing a public var that's been modified inside a for loop, i cannot see a change 问题...