英文: How can I connect two Scala Servers together to share a client pool using Akka w/ Play framework...
英文: Define new type whose domain is subset of another type in Scala 问题 使用偶数的示例,我想定义一个名为“Even”的类型,其域是...
英文: Recursively obtain subclass(es) of a class 问题 Main Question: 如何在Scala中递归打印一个类的所有子类? Context: 我正在...
Memory issues running spark locally in Intellij (scala)
英文: Memory issues running spark locally in Intellij (scala) 问题 I'm very new to Scala and Spark. I've...
Scalatest – pretty error message outputs?
英文: Scalatest - pretty error messsage outputs? 问题 当使用 scalatest 时,如果需要比较 case 类集合,且其中一个参数与预期不同,输出结果通...
英文: How to filter parquet partitions based on date range? 问题 我已经分区了Parquet数据: dir/batch_date=2023-02...
How to Iterate though scala dataframe rows and store the column name in variables which can be used for some opertions inside for loop?
英文: How to Iterate though scala dataframe rows and store the column name in variables which can be u...
Flink RocksDB自定义选项工厂配置错误,禁用块缓存。
英文: Flink RocksDB custom options factory config error disable block cache 问题 I am running Flink 1.15...
英文: Is it possible to invoke parent fields in constructor of child class? 问题 例如,如果我有 ```scala sealed...
英文: How to convert a dictionary which is in string format to tabular dataframe in scala? 问题 我有一个返回字符...