英文: Can I use one class to other project in scala multi project? 问题 I want to import classes in one ...
英文: How can I use sbt commands like clean and compile in my custom sbtplugin 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 我有以下的最小自定...
quill(Scala库)生成的查询适用于Oracle 12,但不适用于Oracle 11。
英文: quill (scala library) generate query that correct for Oracle 12, but not for Oracle 11 问题 我必须使用两...
Scala扩展方法 vs 伴生对象
英文: Scala extension method vs companion object 问题 Extension method(扩展方法):扩展方法允许你在类型定义后为该类型添加方法,也就是说,...
英文: Is is possible to performa group by taking in all the fields in aggregate? 问题 I am on apache spa...
Nested String Map Builder
英文: scala: Nested String Map Builder 问题 I understand your request to translate the provided code and...
英文: Use Play framework to read JSON with recursive list of sealed traits 问题 我已经有一些需要解析的JSON,而且我的项目已经...
Compile error while returning chunked response from play 2.8.18.
英文: Compile error while returning chunked response from play 2.8.18 问题 我正在尝试在Play框架中使用分块响应。 以下控制器代码正...
英文: Problem with running ScalaZ3 on Mac due to conflicting architectures 问题 我正在使用苹果M2架构运行Scala项目,但遇到...
error: 对象 apache 不是包 org 的成员
英文: error: object apache is not a member of package org 问题 I am learning scala on docker, which does...