英文: Why are they getting joined? The values are different 问题 X <- c('1.07', '2.14'...
英文: Exporting same named Data Frames from separate lists into their own excel documents 问题 我有五个数据框的列...
英文: How to determine number of legend rows from ggplot object 问题 You can programmatically determine ...
How to plot two y axes in the same plot, each y axis contains two sets of information, one is geom_col and one is geom_line?
英文: How to plot two y axes in the same plot, each y axis contains two sets of information, one is ge...
tmerge() + coxph():两种设置日期的方式应该得到相同的结果,而且不会。
英文: tmerge() + coxph(): two ways of setting up dates should give same results, and don't 问题 使用tm...
ifelse() 从两个其他因子向量创建新的因子向量未返回预期值。
英文: ifelse() to create new factor vector from two other factor vectors fails to return expected valu...
英文: R code to find a cumulative sum of a vector with a criteria set on another vector of a dataframe...
英文: Per group wilcox.test against everything else using two data frame columns 问题 输入数据框: df <- da...
英文: how can I add a zero only to a specific value without affecting the other values? 问题 如果我只想给特定的值添...
英文: Automatically exclude single-level factor variables from regression 问题 以下是代码的翻译部分: 我有一个自定义函数,其中包...