英文: how do you draw a line in a pixel array 问题 我喜欢对屏幕有最大的控制权,因此我必须控制每个像素,这有一些优缺点。其中一个缺点是我实际上没有任何内建函数...
英文: Is it possible to store a class in a variable in Java? 问题 我正在尝试做类似以下的事情: class test { Class c; c...
英文: how do I change the colour of a row and column of the ellipses in response to the mouse being ov...
I'm trying to make my triangles redraw themselves when I click the mouse, but they only just multiply when I mouse click
英文: I'm trying to make my triangles redraw themselves when I click the mouse, but they only just...
英文: My sketch won't show anything when running in processing 问题 以下是您提供的翻译内容: 我完全不了解processing,我想...
Generating random numbers in a range (0-4) with the constraint that each number can only be generated a certain amount of times?
英文: Generating random numbers in a range (0-4) with the constraint that each number can only be gene...
英文: How to display a button with an image only in the desired tab? 问题 import controlP5.*; ControlP5 ...
为什么 SVG 呈现时倾斜了(Processing)?
英文: Why are svg rendered tilted (Processing)? 问题 以下是您提供的内容的翻译: 我的目标是使用Processing 3在Windows 10上重新制作经典...
英文: Problems on making the game "Falling Blocks" on Processing 问题 void difficulty() { if (...
英文: Change the picture when pressing the button 问题 告诉我如何在点击图片时将其更改为下一张。我使用了一个名为"ControlP5"...