英文: How can I change the default console host application for Windows? 问题 I have set the default con...
how to convert three decimal into 2 decimal of versions list in a file using powershell
英文: how to convert three decimal into 2 decimal of versions list in a file using powershell 问题 我有一个 ...
Creating a symbolic link using PowerShell
英文: Creating a symbolic link using PowerShell 问题 I have provided the translated code portions below:...
Powershell webrequest处理响应代码并退出
英文: Powershell webrequest handle response code and exit 问题 I want it to exit when the response statu...
英文: Find out if variable is null or an array containing null variables in PowerShell 问题 我正在尝试确定一个变量是...
如何在 PowerShell WPF 中为复选框列表框添加点击事件?
英文: How to add a Click event on a CheckBox Listbox in Powershell WPF? 问题 I'm looking for a way to ad...
使用 az PowerShell 创建 Azure AD 应用程序
英文: Creating azure AD app using az powershell 问题 我正在创建一个 Azure AD 应用程序,生成一个客户端密码,并使用 az PowerShell 授...
Powershell Get-ChildItem -Filter ‘*.txt’ 也会找到’*.txt~’(太贪婪?)
英文: Powershell Get-ChildItem -Filter '*.txt' also finds '*.txt~' (too greedy?) 问题 I'...
如何使用管理员权限启动 PowerShell 进程并重定向标准输入(stdin)?
英文: How do I start a powershell process with administrator privilges and redirect stdin (os.exec) 问题...
英文: Use PowerShell developer command prompt to build solution 问题 如何在PowerShell脚本中使用开发人员PowerShell命令提...