英文: Extract Lines between two patterns using Powershell 问题 以下是已翻译的代码部分: # 指定要从中提取行的文件路径 $file = "...
英文: Power shell to output script to logfile 问题 $date = "12/31/2016" Get-ChildItem T:\ -Rec...
向 CSV 文件添加条目会引发错误:不包含名为 ‘op_Addition’ 的方法。
英文: Adding a entry to a csv file throws error:does not contain a method named 'op_Addition' ...
PowerShell选择值 -notlike 具有多行值
英文: PowerShell select value -notlike that has multiple line values 问题 我只想返回 {,}...
英文: How does Windows calculate alias names for certificates exported into PFX files? 问题 我有一个应用程序,它导入...
如何测试 Azure 存储帐户网络规则实际生效
英文: How can I test for when an Azure Storage Account network rule has actually taken effect 问题 我有一个管...
使用命令提示符以提升的权限调用 PowerShell 脚本
英文: Call a PowerShell script with elevated privileges via command prompt 问题 I want to call my PowerS...
Looking to suppress "COM Interop is not supported on this platform" error in Exchange Online Script
英文: Looking to suppress "COM Interop is not supported on this platform" error in Exchange ...
Excel to new Outlook Contact: correct data but not reading in
英文: Excel to new Outlook Contact: correct data but not reading in 问题 我已经编写了下面的脚本。其任务是逐行从(格式良好的)Excel...
英文: How verify and use two arguments are set so don't get garbage 问题 I'm using arguments for a P...