英文: pom.xml file is showing these yellow color warnings in IntelliJIDEA while I can run the project ...
英文: updating log4j version 1.2 version to 2.16.0 or later 问题 To update the log4j version from 1.2 to...
Maven Artifact Resolver 在我的机器上无法看到 Maven Central 上的最新插件。
英文: Maven Artifact Resolver not seeing latest plugins on Maven Central on my machine 问题 I am using M...
“Maven lastUpdated timestamps in maven-metadata.xml have been set to the future.”
英文: Maven lastUpdated timestamps in maven-metadata.xml have been set to the future 问题 I am using Mav...
Maven无法在将依赖项添加到pom.xml后找到nd4j .jar文件。
英文: why can't Maven find the nd4j .jar file after adding the dependency to pom.xml? 问题 我在Intelli...
What is the difference between using and not using <type>pom</type> for a dependency (in the <dependencies> section)?
英文: What is the difference between using and not using <type>pom</type> for a dependency...
“Class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 52.0.”
英文: Class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 52.0 问题 I want to create a Spring Boot project on I...
"net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder" object is not assignable to a "ch.qos.logback.core.Appender" variable. when upgrading to spring boot 2
英文: "net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder" object is not assignable to a "ch....
英文: How to force add a <plugin> into classpath? 问题 我想强制下载下面的jar文件,即使我正在使用插件标签。 <plugin> ...
DevOps – Maven: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.6:war
英文: DevOps - Maven: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal o...