英文: Why is APEX_COLLECTION.AddMember only adding the last index called of the outer loop, overwritin...
什么导致在使用Oracle PL/SQL表类型的MERGE语句时出现“无效数据类型”错误?
英文: What is causing the 'invalid datatype' error when using MERGE statement with Oracle PL/S...
英文: insert huge data via select statement in SQL 问题 我正在通过选择语句将数据插入到一个表中,但是那个选择语句有大约2500万条数据,所以花费了5-6...
如何解决在尝试插入时出现的触发器错误?Oracle SQL
英文: How to solve this trigger error while trying to insert? oracle sql 问题 I have a sp and a trigger,...
将 Apex 项目的值传递给数据库视图?
英文: How to pass apex item value to database view? 问题 我有一个Apex IR报表。有一些Apex项用于设置报表的筛选器。 查询非常庞大(超过60,0...
Question: i've found a strange function that use an externally declared variable inside a cursor where clause
英文: Question: i've found a strange function that use an externally declared variable inside a cu...
Oracle SQL如何检查字段是否具有特定的值/数值。
英文: Oracle SQL how to check if a field has a certain value/values 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 我有一个查询要写,我需要找到包含特殊字符...
When i call package.function within a procedure and function return value in cursor, how can i store these value in procedure variable in Oracle SQL?
英文: When i call package.function within a procedure and function return value in cursor, how can i s...
英文: PL/SQL Statement to Return NULL when NO_RECORD_FOUND, or NULL found value in column ELSE return ...
英文: Postgresql function has syntax error at If. Why? 问题 I am new to writing functions on postgres. S...