英文: MongoDB aggregation with 'and' and 'or' and 'in' conditions 问题 { "$...
英文: What is the correct order in data preprocessing stage for Machine Learning? 问题 LOAD DATA 导入 pand...
英文: GoCD config-repo schedules pipeline on change which I don't want 问题 GoCD配置存储库会在管道代码更改时调度管道,但...
英文: path not being detected by Nextflow 问题 我对 nf-core/nextflow 是新手,不用说文档可能并没有反映实际实现。但我在下面定义了基本的流程: n...
英文: How to run jar through jenkins as a separate process? 问题 问题是这样的:我需要在节点上运行一个jar文件,在Jenkins流水线中我写了...
Hide folder names, board names and the project settings page in Azure DevOps from users in a group
英文: Hide folder names, board names and the project settings page in Azure DevOps from users in a gro...
如何抑制警告 “ZipDeploy 验证警告: 建议设置应用设置 WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE = 1”
英文: How to suppress warning "ZipDeploy Validation WARNING: It is recommended to set app setting...
使用管道通过 sample_weight 参数与 XGBoost 配合使用
英文: Using sample_weight param with XGBoost through a pipeline 问题 我想在xgboost包的XGBClassifier中使用sample_...
如何使用GitLab CI/CD变量传递SSH密码给我的Ansible Playbook?
英文: How should I pass an ssh password using a gitlab ci-cd variable for my ansible-playbook? 问题 以下是您...
英文: Why does a rem impact a code block that has its output piped? 问题 我喜欢使用括号括起来的命令块,因为它允许我一次将块中所有命令的...