英文: Inno Setup : How to setup advance settings for IIS application pool? 问题 在Inno Setup脚本中如何设置IIS应用程...
英文: How to use relative file paths in Lazarus 问题 I'm creating a simple CRM in Lazarus with an SQLite...
英文: How do I resolve syntax error, ";" expected but "IF" found? 问题 以下是您的代码,我将提取并...
Exception EStackOverflow in module rtl270.bpl at 0012F044. Stack overflow
英文: Exception EStackOverflow in module rtl270.bpl at 0012F044. Stack overflow 问题 Any idea why? I tri...
英文: How to fill the graphic window? 问题 如何将一系列金字塔扩展到整个窗口?我在最后的块中输入了x和y的值,但这对任何事情都没有影响。 英文: uses Graph...
Delphi 11 定义字符串类型 () vs [ ]
英文: Delphi 11 Define String Type ( ) vs [ ] 问题 以下是您要的翻译: 我正在使用Delphi 11构建TurboPower BTree Filer,该工具应...
DELPHI – Is there a way to free an object created at runtime without getting 'Access Violation?'
英文: DELPHI - Is there a way to free an object created at runtime without getting 'Access Violati...