英文: pac4j raises "State cannot be determined" when trying to get keycloakOidcProfile after...
unable to get configured roles from IDP ( Azure Ad App roles ) when authenticating oidc (pac4j-oidc ) in servlet based application
英文: unable to get configured roles from IDP ( Azure Ad App roles ) when authenticating oidc (pac4j-o...
UserProfile Pac4J 中用于取代已弃用的 getPermission 方法的替代方法
英文: Replacement for deprecated getPermission method in UserProfile Pac4J 问题 我们正在使用Java中的PAC4J版本5.7.1...
寻找与Java 17一起使用的javax servlet的pac4j。
英文: looking for pac4j with javax servlet with java 17 问题 I am trying to use pac4j for my oidc implem...
NullPointerException when trying to extract credentials in DirectClient class (base class of DirectBearerAuthClient)
英文: NullPointerException when trying to extract credentials in DirectClient class (base class of Dir...
OIDC for JEE with pac4j
英文: OIDC for JEE with pac4j 问题 I tried a lot of things for pac4j but I'm feeling a bit lost. 我尝试了很多方...
英文: Malformed "Accept" header sent in requests to OIDC Provider 问题 我们在Magnolia CMS中使用Pac4j...