英文: I'm getting error that DelegateAuthenticationProvider and MeRequestBuilder are not found in ...
“Attachments functions return ‘Error: attempt to apply non-function'”
英文: Attachments functions return "Error: attempt to apply non-function" 问题 我正在尝试将$list_att...
Graph API – 从PowerShell中获取嵌套值并输出
英文: Graph API - Get nested values from Powershell into the output 问题 I am trying to get a list of al...
英文: Is it possible to view an entire M365 tenant's Exchange data in PowerBI? 问题 抱歉,我不是PowerBI用户。...
英文: Is it possible to view an entire M365 tenant's Exchange data in PowerBI? 问题 I'm not a PowerB...
英文: PowerShell script to get user information takes hours to run--any way to do it faster? 问题 I'm he...
Microsoft 365访问审查对于Teams:在创建时是否可以自动分配访问审查?
英文: Microsoft 365 access review for Teams: can an access review be assigned automatically to all tea...