英文: OpenAPI equivilant of Jersey Jax-RS com.github.kongchen:swagger-maven-plugin? 问题 在Swagger中,你可以使用...
如何在Maven versions:set中忽略SNAPSHOT版本?
英文: How to ignore SNAPSHOTs on Maven versions:set? 问题 I would like to have Maven build Java projects...
英文: Maven compiler plugin cannot resolve maven dependencies with version specified in included bill ...
Plugin validation issues were detected in plugin(s)
英文: Plugin validation issues were detected in plugin(s) 问题 After executing mvn clean verify, 一切都正确编译...
Maven升级到maven-source-plugin 3.3.0后,构建失败。
英文: Maven build fails after upgrading to maven-source-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0 问题 I recently upgra...
“Maven lastUpdated timestamps in maven-metadata.xml have been set to the future.”
英文: Maven lastUpdated timestamps in maven-metadata.xml have been set to the future 问题 I am using Mav...
英文: How to update pom version and dependency version using maven 问题 我有多个Java Maven项目,它们托管为服务。 一个项目是通...
`protoc-jar-maven-plugin` 无法在同一目录中找到依赖的 proto 文件。
英文: protoc-jar-maven-plugin unable to find dependent proto files in the same directory 问题 我有一个存储所有pr...
英文: List all available versions of a dependency 问题 我想列出特定依赖项的所有可用版本。 原因:当发现漏洞时,该依赖项会被我们构建在JFrog Xray...
英文: Maven plugin: get access to the "same classloader" as when running tests? 问题 我正在尝试开发一个...