英文: Exporting list to Excel and creation of hyperlink - error because of tuple data 问题 我有一个包含元组的列表,我...
英文: How to get a count of first elements and sum of second element in a list of tuples in python? 问题...
英文: Python: re.findall result not appending to dictionary key 问题 问题很可能出现在代码的最后两行。然而,我不确定具体原因,因为.upda...
英文: For loop between two different intervals 问题 这是一个百分之百愚蠢的问题,但我找不到答案。我能够在两个不同的间隔之间执行for循环吗? 以一个例子来说...
How to find 2 integers that can form the numerical values of a list and structure the answers in another list?
英文: How to find 2 integers that can form the numerical values of a list and structure the answers in...
英文: How do I use a list of numbers as indexes in a loop? 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 我有一个包含多个单行字母(在这种情况下是DNA序列)的文件...
converting the last word of a file into uppercase and writing the new content into a new file in Python
英文: converting the last word of a file into uppercase and writing the new content into a new file in...
英文: How do I fix the extra word coming in the end? 问题 Your code appears to be working correctly for ...
移除列表中的重复项并获取其数量 Dart Flutter
英文: Removing duplicate items in the list and getting their number Dart Flutter 问题 我有一个对象列表,我想去除重复项并将...
英文: Return specific element of vector in list 问题 > list = list(c("monday",&...