英文: How to get variable value in extensionContext 问题 @ExtendWith({TestReporter.class}) private TestC...
英文: Ignoring only embedded member in AssertJ 问题 我有两个类需要用`JUnit`/`Mockito`进行测试: public class ClassA {...
英文: Injecting beans in a JUnit/Mockito test returns zero 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我有一个使用无状态 EJB(Stateless EJBs)...
使用 Hamcrest-Date 和 DateTimeFormatter 来放心地进行断言。
英文: Rest Assured with Hamcrest-Date and DateTimeFormatter 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我有一个使用Rest Assured编写的测试,在这个测...
When writing Junit test case using mockito for findById() JPA method I am getting error as java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present
英文: When writing Junit test case using mockito for findById() JPA method I am getting error as java....
JUnit test for a Step scoped Bean using StepScopeTestExecutionListener.class : Still getting "No Scope registered"
英文: JUnit test for a Step scoped Bean using StepScopeTestExecutionListener.class : Still getting &qu...
Writing a JUnit test for a "Step" scoped bean – No scope registered for scope name "step" (Spring Batch 3.0.10)
英文: Writing a JUnit test for a "Step" scoped bean - No scope registered for scope name &qu...
使用Spring @PropertySource在JUnit测试中从src/main/resources中使用实际的属性文件。
英文: Using actual properties file from src/main/resources with Spring @PropertySource in JUnit test 问...
英文: Testing response after expected exception is thrown 问题 使用以下测试(JUnit4),断言不会被调用。这是预期的行为吗?我期望会抛出 Re...
Testing springboot applications using Junits (Test methods for classes which require constructors that were autowired)
英文: Testing springboot applications using Junits (Test methods for classes which require constructor...