英文: Cant change content on a JPanel 问题 我有一个JFrame,其中添加了一个名为gamePanel的JPanel。在主窗口设置为可见后,游戏多次调用renderP...
How do I force all Components in a JFrame to reacquire their Background property for light/dark mode purposes?
英文: How do I force all Components in a JFrame to reacquire their Background property for light/dark ...
英文: How to use graphics 2d in kotlin with paint() 问题 我想开始制作一个2D视频游戏,我在Java中找到了一个教程。然而,我想使用Kotlin,因为我...
英文: I've assigned another class that draws images to a JPanel in the main JFrame, but it doesn...
英文: can't resize and set location of JFrame in the same time 问题 我尝试进行一些训练项目,在其中我添加了一个没有装饰的JFrame...
如何在Java GUI上创建不同的窗口?
英文: How to create different windows on Java GUI? 问题 I have created a game and I'm just finishing up ...
Is there a way to reload my JFrame game other than using setVisible() to true and false?
英文: Is there a way to reload my JFrame game other than using setVisible() to true and false? 问题 这是您要...
英文: How do I create padding between icon images that are inside of JLabels 问题 我尝试创建一个具有以下布局的JFrame:期...
如何使 JTable 在一行中显示多行。
英文: how can I get jtable to show multiple lines in a row 问题 and i would like my data to show like th...
英文: Rectangle shows up only after resizing on JFrame 问题 我有一些关于Java的经验,但对Swing是新手。我正在尝试运行一个非常简单的示例,但遇...