英文: Given an *existing* Jersey Jax-RS application, is there a way to generate OpenAPI 3.x JSON/Yaml?...
Illegal character in wildfly with GZIP Encoding 在 Wildfly 中使用 GZIP 编码出现非法字符
英文: Illegal character in wildfly with GZIP Encoding 问题 I have a client that sends a request to a RES...
Issue with JAX-RS JSON unmarshalling in wildfly 26
英文: Issue with JAX-RS JSON unmarshalling in wildfly 26 问题 你在Wildfly 25+版本中遇到了JSON列表反序列化的问题。你是否尝试过在Wi...
GlassFish 6.2.1 throws 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jakartaee.jakarta.servlet.ServletContainer' while deploying JAX-RS web service
英文: GlassFish 6.2.1 throws 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.glassfish.jakartaee.jakarta.se...
Karaf、cxf 和 jax-rs – 未找到任何服务
英文: Karaf, cxf and jax-rs - No services have been found 问题 当我安装并启动捆绑包时,没有任何反应,控制台没有输出,而bundle:list报告...
Log4j2 在 JBoss 7.4 上的 JAX-RS servlet 项目中不起作用。
英文: Log4j2 isn´t working in JAX-RS servlet project on JBoss 7.4 问题 I am working on a JAX-RS ser...
英文: Regex in @Path matches only only 1 of 2 two routes specified, resulting in 404 问题 以下是Dropwizard日...
Eclipse JAX-RS POST请求有效载荷未转换为请求模型对象。
英文: Eclipse JAXRS POST Request payload not converted into request model object 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我在POST请...
Spring Boot Application – Is it considered bad practice to throw EntityExists – or EntityNotFoundException from Service to Controller?
英文: Spring Boot Application - Is it considered bad practice to throw EntityExists - or EntityNotFoun...
cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'jaxrs:server'
英文: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for ele...