英文: free pascal bindings for a typedef function inside a DEFINE macro and a number outside 问题 这段代码是E...
英文: How to remove "extern" functions in C and be able to use them from golang? 问题 我有一个C++库...
能否在X++代码中使用C# .dll文件,而不将其添加到引用中?
英文: Is it possible to use C# .dll file in X++ code without adding it into reference? 问题 I have the f...
英文: How can I acces my Programms on my OfficeLine which is running on Access with C# code? 问题 I unde...
使用 “!” 将 shell 命令的输出赋值给 .ipynb 文件中的变量。
英文: Using ! to assign output of shell command to variable in .ipynb 问题 > ipython Python 3.11.1 (m...
英文: How to generate .tlh file for the C# project 问题 如何生成用于C++项目的C#项目的.tlh文件。 请帮助我。 英文: How to genera...
如何找到 SwiftUI UIViewRepresentable 的框架
英文: How to find the frame of a SwiftUI UIViewRepresentable 问题 我正在尝试将UILabel的自定义子类包装在UIViewRepresenta...
英文: Calling kernel32's ReadProcessMemory in Go 问题 我正在尝试使用Go语言在Windows上操作进程,并通过使用ReadProcessMemor...
What are the sign extension rules for calling Windows API functions (stdcall)? This is needed to call WInAPI from Go, which is strict about int types
英文: What are the sign extension rules for calling Windows API functions (stdcall)? This is needed to...
英文: Calling a Go callback function from C++ through SWIG 问题 我正在尝试从Go代码中调用C++函数: void TestFunc(void(*...