英文: Enforce subclass to add @Schedule to a method in super abstract class in Java Spring 问题 超级抽象类 pu...
Why does this code print "Woof" twice when executed even though I only called super.speak() once?
英文: Why does this code print "Woof" twice when executed even though I only called super.sp...
Whats difference between output of any function whose return type is int and is used with super() and without super() keyword?
英文: Whats difference between output of any function whose return type is int and is used with super(...
英文: Creating single instances of each class in the inheritance hierarchy 问题 以下是翻译的代码部分: 假设有三个类,分别为A,...
Spring Boot,将CRUD操作存储在抽象服务中
英文: Spring boot, storing CRUD operations in abstract service 问题 我有两个 JPA 实体,如下所示: @Entity @Table(nam...
英文: Ambiguity for Variable but not for Method 问题 我们有一个没有关联的interface和class,它们都有具有相同签名的方法。这些可以关联到一个类,...
英文: Is it possible to make methods non-virtual in Java? 问题 在Java中,所有非静态方法默认都是虚方法,类似于C++中的虚函数。要达到您期望的...
Java – 方法在运行时绑定
英文: Java - methods bind at run time 问题 Line 4 gives an error because Java uses compile-time method r...
在受保护的 void 超级方法中返回
英文: Returning in protected void super method 问题 In the CooldownSpell class, you can modify the onAct...
英文: isn't protected supposed to be accessible only by subclasses in Java? 问题 我真的很惊讶,这段代码没有引发任何编译...