英文: If condition for 9 Jbuttons simultaneously? 问题 [if condition working for only one button at a ti...
英文: java: how to write a conditional if statement like "if not (A empty) and (B empty) then&quo...
2D 数组数字网格,使用 for 和 if。
英文: 2D Array number grid with for and if 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 我最近开始学习Java。我有一个任务,需要在数字网格中打印特定值。 这是代码: publi...
用 ifPresent 和 orElse 替换 isPresent
英文: Replacing isPresent with ifPresent and orElse 问题 AtomicReference<Employee> employeeValue =...
英文: Keep getting error with If statement in java 问题 import java.util.Scanner; public class RefundAmo...
这个 if 语句阶梯无法计算折扣。
英文: This if statement ladder can't figure out the discount 问题 这是我制作的一个程序,除了不显示折扣价和最终成本外,一切正常运行。 ...
英文: How can I read the amount of input a user has entered into an array with a set size? 问题 目标是创建一个大...
英文: How to ask input for the particular condition inside of if loop 问题 在check_mark()方法中,如果我对物理课程(在第二...
英文: Is there a way to use the code for OutOfOrder, to make InOrder as simple as OutOfOrder? 问题 以下是翻译...
获取一个”Operator ‘&&’ cannot be applied to ‘boolean’, ‘int'”错误,我不太确定原因。
英文: Getting an "Operator '&&' cannot be applied to 'boolean', 'int&...