英文: hibernate guarantee failure on concurrent insertion of existing record instead of update 问题 我有这种...
英文: Type safe way to go from a String to a Strategy with Jackson 问题 我想执行带有过滤器的查询,从 UI 开始,基于逻辑运算符 (&g...
英文: Hibernate to delegate UUID generation to postgres 问题 I understand that you want the translation ...
英文: JPA bi-directional @OneToMany not populating Foreign Key on reference table 问题 I have two tables...
英文: I am trying to mapping three entity with another entity by using onetoone annotation 问题 The issu...
如何以编程方式配置L2 Hibernate缓存与ECache?
英文: How to programmatically configure L2 Hibernate caches with ECache? 问题 I can provide a summary of...
Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA + Sybase:未自动生成Sybase IDENTITY列的键。
英文: Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA + Sybase: No keys were automatically generated Sybase IDENTITY col...
How to persist an enum as string in Hibernate 6 Spring Boot 3 without using hibernate-types-62 in PostgreSQL
英文: How to persist an enum as string in Hibernate 6 Spring Boot 3 without using hibernate-types-62 i...
英文: Concurrency errors when using Spring Transaction management in Tomcat 问题 I am currently working ...
Spring Boot Java 读取多个位置,以分号分隔,而不仅限于一个。
英文: Spring Boot Java Read multiple Locations separated by ; instead of only one 问题 Sure, here are th...