英文: Convert SQL query that contains WITH clause and union in QueryDsl 问题 以下是翻译好的代码部分: private final ...
英文: Hibernate use subclass of data class entity 问题 我有一个类似这样的实体: @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstruct...
org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion ClassNotFoundException in migrating to Hibernate 6.1.6 with spring-orm 6.0.0
英文: org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion ClassNotFoundException in migrating to Hibernate 6.1.6 with sp...
英文: Hibernate unwanted delete after update in @ManyToMany relationship 问题 以下是要翻译的代码部分: 主实体: @ManyToM...
无法找到符号 @Type(type = “list-array”),升级到Spring Boot 3 时出现错误。
英文: cannot find symbol @Type(type = "list-array")error when upgrade to spring boot 3 问题 以下...
Entity Graph在Entity层不起作用,但在Repository层起作用。
英文: Entity Graph does not work in Entity Layer but work in Repository Layer 问题 我有一个实体链 User -> Cr...
英文: How to handle Exceptions in Repository? 问题 使用Spring 5.3,我有一个存储库: @Transactional(TransactionMode....
Is there a way to make a Java method that maps an SQL result list to an entity class generic?
英文: Is there a way to make a Java method that maps an SQL result list to an entity class generic? 问题...
InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException SpringDataJPA IBM AS/400 DB2 AS400JDBCSQLSyntaxErrorException
英文: InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException SpringDataJPA IBM AS/400 DB2 AS400JDBCSQLSyntaxErrorExce...
英文: JPA required getters and setters for the entity class 问题 @Entity类是否必须始终具有getter和setter,并且所有属性都应该...