英文: Hibernate one to many mapping for multiple tables 问题 @Entity @Table(name="Visit") public...
英文: Update an entity with Hibernate whose only one field is editable in DB 问题 我有一个实体类 Product,我被赋予了对...
英文: Hibernate: Query to select values from multiple tables using CriteriaQuery 问题 假设我有一个查询如下: Select...
Gradle multi-module project compilation fails with "classNotFoundExceptions" from dependencies mentioned in sub-modules
英文: Gradle multi-module project compilation fails with "classNotFoundExceptions" from depe...
In back end (java spring boot) sorting, how to sort with Alias name using pageable? Without parent table as prefix
英文: In back end (java spring boot) sorting, how to sort with Alias name using pageable? Without pare...
JPA直接引用 vs 软引用(ID)- 哪个更好?
英文: JPA direct vs soft (ID) references - what's best? 问题 我们有一个中等大小的Java应用程序,它广泛地使用Hibernate/JPA将...
英文: AttributeOverride MappedSuperClass attribute with a different type 问题 我有一个作为MappedSuperclass使用的抽...
英文: Complex Object as Inner Class inside Hibernate Entity 问题 现在,我知道内部类不能作为Hibernate中的实体。 我首先会展示我的代码,...
英文: Unable to get lastModifiedBy column in saved entity post saving in DB 问题 我已经创建了一个JPA实体,如下所示: MyE...
英文: Hibernate: OneToOne: two fields of the same type 问题 @Entity @SequenceGenerator(name="PRIVATE...