英文: How to map some table columns to a Map with the column names as key 问题 我有这个表: CREATE TABLE user_...
nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Access to DialectResolutionInfo cannot be null when 'hibernate.dialect' not set
英文: nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Access to DialectResolutionInfo cannot be ...
Spring + Hibernate: 无法在单向关系中删除子项
英文: Spring + Hibernate :Unable to delete child in unidirectional relationship 问题 我在这里尝试找到类似的问题,我找到了这...
DTO模式与JPA Hibernate
英文: DTO pattern with JPA hibernate 问题 我正在按照这个教程学习关于数据传输对象(DTO)的内容,并查看将实体转换为DTO的方法。我想知道"懒加载关系&qu...
英文: How to use Redis as L2 cache on Hibernate? 问题 我有一个Spring Boot应用程序,需要将Redis设置为Hibernate的二级缓存。 我的属...
Spring Boot中与Oracle 19c数据库映射实体的问题
英文: Problem with mapping entity in Spring Boot for Oracle 19c Database 问题 I have a problem with map ...
PSQLException “插入或更新表时违反了外键约束”,”关键字在表中不存在”
英文: PSQLException "insert or update on table violates foreign key constraint", "Key i...
英文: How to solve org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query 问题 我试图实现的目标是通过...
Projection in Hibernate/JPA in Spring Boot to pull data from multiple OneToMany and manyToOne relationships
英文: Projection in Hibernate/JPA in Spring Boot to pull data from multiple OneToMany and manyToOne re...
插入新实体:Spring Data JPA与Hibernate的EntityManager对比
英文: Insert new entity: Spring Data JPA vs. Hibernate's EntityManager 问题 请查看下面的两个代码示例,我将在我的Spring...