英文: Where to place is.na() when using grepl to find non-missing non-matches? 问题 我想找到那些在var2中没有包含已定义表...
英文: Filter a dataframe based on a selection of string values found across multiple columns 问题 我有一个庞大...
英文: How to check for existence of a set of columns in large dataframes? 问题 我正在从多年的调查数据中构建重复的横截面数据(面板...
英文: How to use grep or grepl in order to identify variables? 问题 下午好。以下是情况: 我有一个名为"dep"的变量,...
重排 R 数据框架(根据特定条件更改为宽格式,重命名和重新排列列)
英文: Rearranging a R dataframe (changing to wide format based on certain conditions, renaming and res...
R: Dplyr:如何检查一个变量的值是否包含在另一个变量中
英文: R: Dplyr: How to Check if the Value of One Variable is Contained in Another 问题 我有数百条记录,其中包含"...
R dataframe/ lapply(): get rid of rows with particular values in columns containing particular strings, while keeping everything else?
英文: R dataframe/ lapply(): get rid of rows with particular values in columns containing particular s...
Count how many times each string from a column appear (no exact match) in another column in R
英文: Count how many times each string from a column appear (no exact match) in another column in R 问题...