英文: Search in only my repositories for files with a specific name 问题 我想要在我的存储库中找到所有的 readme.txt 文件。 ...
英文: How to update the profile readme automatically 问题 我有一个位于以下网址的存储库:https://github.com/MateiMartin/...
GitHub Actions未使用Azure中正确的SPN执行Terraform。
英文: github actions not using right spn from azure to execute terraform 问题 I'm using github actions t...
“git reset –hard HEAD~1” 与 “git checkout .” 之间的区别是什么?
英文: What is the difference between "git reset --hard HEAD~1" and "git checkout ."...
How can I run a single Terraform GitHub Actions pipeline that applies multiple terraform resources (each with own state files) at same time?
英文: How can I run a single Terraform GitHub Actions pipeline that applies multiple terraform resourc...
英文: github public repos anyone branch (instead of only fork) 问题 我希望任何人都能在我的公共GitHub存储库中创建分支。我已经为主分支启...
英文: How can I see a list of all of my GitHub comments, including ones on commits (and not using an A...
英文: Legal Entitlement to Copy and Distribute Public GitHub Repository for Non-Commercial and Commerc...
通过SSH从内部仓库执行Go mod tidy失败。
英文: Go mod tidy from internal repo via ssh failing 问题 我无法在使用内部 GitHub 存储库时执行 go mod tidy。SSH 认证似乎在隔离...
Jenkins Pipeline – git 凭据似乎未在后续 git 操作中使用
英文: Jenkins Pipeline - git creds seemingly not being used in subsequent git operations 问题 以下是翻译好的部分:...