英文: How to mirror a GitLab repository to GitHub using SSH keys? 问题 GitLab具有镜像功能: https://docs.gitlab...
触发 GitHub Actions 中已提交的工作单元?
英文: How to trigger the committed units in GitHub Actions? 问题 如果.mdl和.tpt文件已提交到代码库,特定的单元还有一个批处理文件需要触发...
英文: How to replace a specific line with multiline text in shell 问题 I have line uses: actions/checkou...
将项目从GitLab迁移到GitHub -> CI/CD
英文: transfer project from gitlab to github -> ci/cd 问题 我正在将一个项目从GitLab迁移到GitHub,我可以执行拉取和推送等操作,唯一无...
GitHub Issues:如何在任务列表中引用来自不同仓库的问题
英文: GitHub Issues: how to reference issues from different repos in a tasklist 问题 GitHub Issues中的任务列表...
英文: Is there a way to have beta merged into master without adding an extra merge commit? 问题 我们有一个 Gi...
英文: How do I navigate back to the project page from a search in a repo on Github? 问题 你好,以下是翻译好的部分: F...
zip file is downloaded from github URL through curl command, but same command fails to download file from golang code
英文: zip file is downloaded from github URL through curl command, but same command fails to download ...
英文: Which workflow should I use for this nested repo situation? 问题 我正在为初学者创建一个Git教程。 我正在跟踪我的进度,例如笔记、...
git pull 在拉取 lfs 文件时失败
英文: git pull fails when pulling lfs file 问题 我遇到了授权错误和“smudge filter”错误,当我从我的公开可见的存储库中进行git拉取时。错误发生在下...