英文: Go generics: Invalid composite literal 问题 以下是代码的翻译结果: package main import "fmt" func mai...
英文: How can I write a function which accept 2 functions (which return structs) and runs them concurr...
How to use an interface containing type constraint as generic
英文: How to use an interface containing type constraint as generic 问题 我想要一个带有泛型的结构体切片。这个泛型是一个带有类型约束的接...
How to define generic function with custom structs without listing all of them?
英文: How to define generic function with custom structs without listing all of them? 问题 假设我有两个不同的结构体:...
英文: How to common function of package model in golang? 问题 你可以尝试使用接口来解决这个问题。首先,定义一个接口,该接口包含ReadData函数...
Is there a way to elide type of a composite literal by inferring types based on the type parameter of function in go?
英文: Is there a way to elide type of a composite literal by inferring types based on the type paramet...
英文: Get the type name of a generic struct without type parameters 问题 假设我有一个名为foo的通用结构体,并从中创建了两个对象。我可...
英文: Accessing specific field of a generic struct passed to a variadic function 问题 假设我有一个名为foo的通用结构体:...
在Go 1.20中如何在编译时确保严格的可比性?
英文: Ensure strict comparability at compile time in Go 1.20? 问题 在Go 1.18和Go 1.19中,我可以在编译时确保类型是严格可比较的,...
英文: Generic function to set field of different structs used as map values 问题 具有共同字段的结构体... type Defi...