英文: Recursive function that return a list 问题 def sum(x): if x == 1: return 1 else: return sum(x-1) +...
Haskell: a function returning the last element of a list as a Maybe Just or Nothing on empty list
英文: Haskell: a function returning the last element of a list as a Maybe Just or Nothing on empty lis...
英文: How to persist an object in Haskell to a memory location via unsafePerformIO or similar 问题 在一个我几...
Sharing data in Haskell 共享数据在Haskell中
英文: Sharing data in Haskell 问题 我想了解Haskell中内存共享机制是如何工作的。实际上,编写计算斐波那契数列项的函数的一种方式是: fibo' n = f n ...
英文: Possible to return a function that takes variable number of parameters 问题 你好,以下是您要翻译的内容: 在C#中是否可...
英文: is dartz Either Nesisty or just matter of taste? 问题 I'll provide translations for the text you p...
英文: How do I modify the values of a tuple and then return them as a tuple of a tuple? 问题 I'm relativ...
英文: How to convert a map to a new map and handle possible duplicated new key in scala 问题 I understan...
Scala扩展方法 vs 伴生对象
英文: Scala extension method vs companion object 问题 Extension method(扩展方法):扩展方法允许你在类型定义后为该类型添加方法,也就是说,...
英文: Recursive calls with match for operation search on binary tree 问题 以下是您提供的内容的中文翻译: 我已经找到了一个在二叉树中搜...