英文: OpenMP not found using MinGW / gfortran on Windows 10 问题 I'm using GNU Fortran 9.2.0 with all la...
英文: Python and fortran with ctypes: lists with objects 问题 当我调用lists_change函数时,出现了错误“OSError: excepti...
英文: Use of OpenMP in filling the array elements 问题 程序测试 !$ 使用 omp_lib 隐式无 !$ 调用 omp_set_num_threads(...
英文: Memory leak with runtime polymorphism 问题 在追踪我们代码的意外大内存消耗时,我认为我发现了gfortran的一个错误,我可以使用版本7.5.0、9.4....
Nvidia HPC 编译器中的最大维度数为:
英文: Maximum number of dimensions in Nvidia HPC compiler 问题 Nvidia HPC编译器对于Fortran的最大维度数量是多少?过去是7,但20...
英文: Compile legacy fortran77 code as python module using f2py 问题 我能成功编译FORTRAN77代码,但只有在指定-std=legacy...
英文: Fortran tensor product of vectors 问题 I'm trying to calculate a tensor/Kronecker product in Fortr...
英文: Re-organising the data with desired sequence 问题 我修改了我的发布的问题。 以下是我的Fortran代码。 1 PROGRAM COMPA 2 I...
Reading a Fortran Data File in Python
英文: Reading a Fortran Data File in Python 问题 I've been trying to read in a binary file that was appa...
MPI_Scatterv from Intel MPI (mpiifort) using MPI data types is much slower (23 times) compared to flattening array and scattering. Why it could be?
英文: MPI_Scatterv from Intel MPI (mpiifort) using MPI data types is much slower (23 times) compared t...