英文: find initial guess for frequency of ~sin^2 data in python 问题 I am currently facing a problem of ...
英文: Why does the Nyquist frequency of FFT of even length dataset end up on negative side of spectrum...
为什么FFTW3的DST Type-1(离散正弦变换)函数运行缓慢?
英文: Why FFTW3's DST Type-1 (discrete sine transform) function is slow? 问题 我使用了fftw3的FFTW_RODFT00...
英文: How can I apply a low pass and high pass filter to a time series dataset using scipy? 问题 我有一个采样率...
英文: Find the time the music sound starts 问题 我有这个声音文件,我想找到音乐开始的时间。我只能使用scipy模块。如何检测声音开始时的x轴时间? 下面是一个示...
Swift. frequency of sound got from vDSP.DCT output differs from iPhone and iPad.
英文: Swift. frequency of sound got from vDSP.DCT output differs from iPhone and iPad 问题 我试图找出由麦克风捕捉的声...
英文: Spectrogram generation in java using FFT on a .wav file not producing expected output 问题 以下是您提供的...
Synchronous Data Transfer between Arduino and Matlab Serially
英文: Synchronous Data Transfer between Arduino and Matlab Serially 问题 我正在进行一个项目,在这个项目中,我使用分裂型核心电流互感器(...
在Google Go中对图像进行FFT变换。
英文: Take FFT of an Image in Google Go 问题 在Google Go中如何对图像进行FFT变换? Go DSP库(github.com/mjibson/go-dsp/...