英文: GroupBy after SelectMany in EF Core 问题 考虑以下查询,该查询列出了学校以及那些在该学校开始的月份的学生的月度统计信息。 EF Core 在这个查询上出现问...
Weird behavior in linking table creation in EF Core, adding it in the DbContext but shows two versions in the migration file
英文: Weird behavior in linking table creation in EF Core, adding it in the DbContext but shows two ve...
ASP.NET Core 6 Web API: Error when posting data from swagger The JSON value could not be converted to Model.ModelName
英文: ASP.NET Core 6 Web API: Error when posting data from swagger The JSON value could not be convert...
英文: Nesting a LINQ query inside a where clause of another query 问题 我如何将下面两个查询合并为单个查询? 使用(var ctx = C...
Entity Framework Core中更新/删除多对多关系的正确方法是什么?
英文: What is the proper way to update/delete many-to-many relationships in Entity Framework Core? 问题 ...
如何让Entity Framework在dotnet6.0的DbContext中使用Find/FindAsync检索嵌套对象。
英文: How do you get Entity Framework to retrieve Nested Objects on Find/FindAsync from the DbContext ...
Dynamically Set TEntity Name to DbContext.Set
英文: Dynamically Set TEntity Name to DbContext.Set 问题 I can provide a translation of the code update ...
在C#和Entity Framework Core中实现Specification模式与联接。
英文: Implementing Specification pattern with a join in C# and Entity Framework Core 问题 我正在使用领域驱动设计方法来...
Why does EF throw an error with LastOrDefault in Include operations but not with OrderByDescending?
英文: Why does EF throw an error with LastOrDefault in Include operations but not with OrderByDescendi...
EF Core与聚合根 – 有没有办法阻止将更改持久化到子实体?
英文: EF Core vs Aggregate Root - Is there a way to prevent persisting changes to child entities? 问题 I...