英文: How to fully implement authorization in asp.net core web api with entity framework core? 问题 您的代码...
如何在添加和更新记录时使用Entity Framework自动生成字段?
英文: How to automatically generate fields using Entity Framework when adding and updating records? 问题...
英文: Combine Where clauses with OR in lambda query 问题 if (filtersMinDate != default) { query = query....
英文: How to update a total count on parent entity when adding a new child collection entity? 问题 我有一个U...
尝试对基于.NET EF Core的通用存储库进行单元测试在处理DbContext.Entry时失败
英文: Trying to Unit Test Generic Repository based on .NET EF Core fails when dealing with DbContext.E...
英文: Adding Ids wit EFCore does not affect auto increment value PostgreSQL 问题 我正在使用PostgreSQL 15.0与EF...
英文: How to eager load and include the children of an ICollection only using include? 问题 你遇到的问题涉及虚拟的 ...
英文: How can I fetch just some include properties from my query and still update it if changes are ma...
Entity Framework Core跳过并从后面取?
英文: Entity Framework Core skip and take from the back? 问题 我有以下查询: IQueryable<SellerProductDTO>...
英文: .ToList() is not saving virtual Icollection to memory, which is causing multiple calls to the db...