英文: Constraint on two unique fields using @UnityEntity annotation? 问题 我有一个名为Supplier的实体,看起来像这样。 /** ...
Spring Boot JPA错误:“不是受管理的类型:类com.example1.project.User.User”。
英文: Spring Boot JPA Error: "Not a managed type: class com.example1.project.User.User 问题 I'm a b...
英文: How to validate entities in GO? 问题 在Go语言中如何进行验证? 互联网上的所有结果都建议我使用github.com/go-playground/validat...
英文: Why is binding to a ViewModel Not Working here? 问题 我有一个ViewModel,包含两个模型 - UserSystemPermissions ...
ERROR org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelpe / org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: JDBC exception executing SQL
英文: ERROR org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelpe / org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAcces...
英文: Domain entity relations loading and performance issue 问题 I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a trans...
Embed a many to one Room DAO object with multiple occurence of single entry in two different spots in the data hiearachy
英文: Embed a many to one Room DAO object with multiple occurence of single entry in two different spo...
英文: Symfony set `createdBy` and `modifiedBy` properties of entity 问题 我想要自动设置实体的createdBy和modifiedBy属...
Symfony: 在控制器中实例化一个实体类是否可以?
英文: Symfony: is it fine to instantiate an entity in the controller? 问题 在上面的示例中,你使用了 "new User()...
英文: Is it a bad practice to use mutable records for database entities? 问题 C# 9.0引入了记录(records)以支持更多面...