英文: Embedded YouTube Livestream Stopped Functioning 问题 抱歉,我只翻译非代码部分。以下是您要翻译的内容: "所以,我使用我在这里找到的建...
你能嵌入一个 .ics 文件的内容并在HTML中链接到它,最好不使用JavaScript吗?
英文: Can you embed an .ics file contents and link to it in html, ideally without using javascript? 问题...
Discord.js v14 | 如何制作一个不会过期的按钮
英文: Discord.js v14 | How do I make a Button that doesn't expire 问题 Here's the translation of the...
英文: Is there a way to display custom discord stuff on a website? 问题 我最近开始学习前端网页开发(html、css、js),作为一个学...
英文: How do I get my embed tag to display videos instead of downloading them? 问题 我的嵌入标签一直在下载视频而非显示它。 ...
英文: Twitter timeline embed is not working on website 问题 我正在使用来自 https://publish.twitter.com/ 的嵌入代码,在...
英文: How to stop auto play in an embedded video? 问题 I understand your request. Here's the translated ...
英文: how do i embed Klaviyo pop-up form into my React app 问题 I am stumped, I thought this was straigh...
Is there a spread operator for golang structs
英文: Is there a spread operator for golang structs 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 有以下的结构体,其中PostInput是createPost函数的参数。...
Discord py嵌入不起作用,但在它之前直接发送到频道
英文: Discord py embed not working, but channel send directly before it is 问题 我正在使用Python制作一个Discord机器...