英文: Subsetting from serialized string in R 问题 I understand your request. Here is the translated code...
英文: How to get the number of people in the household? and Linguistically homogeneous households? 问题 ...
R: Dplyr:如何检查一个变量的值是否包含在另一个变量中
英文: R: Dplyr: How to Check if the Value of One Variable is Contained in Another 问题 我有数百条记录,其中包含"...
Replace values in one column with randomly generated values using group_by and mutate, while making sure every set of values is unique in R
英文: Replace values in one column with randomly generated values using group_by and mutate, while mak...
英文: How to make a pivot table with multi-headers rows and columns in R like in Excel? 问题 我想从: cyl ge...
Shiny 用于具有两个选择列表的区域分布图
英文: Shiny for choropleth map with two selection lists 问题 I have df, and I wanted to create a shiny a...
英文: How to use bind_rows for a list with incompatible sizes in dplyr? 问题 I have translated the code ...
英文: Create identifier column based on repeating sequence of numbers in data frame 问题 我有一个监测数据集,记录了不同...
英文: using data.table in package development: Undefined global functions or variables 问题 以下代码在我正在开发的包...
Transforming list to data frame with related data points in same row
英文: Transforming list to data frame with related data points in same row 问题 Here's the translated co...