Replace values in one column with randomly generated values using group_by and mutate, while making sure every set of values is unique in R

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Replace values in one column with randomly generated values using group_by and mutate, while making sure every set of values is unique in R


ifelse(!duplicated($ID), generateRandomString(),$ID)

I am writing a function to replace ID's in one column with randomly generated ones. Suppose I have a dataset:

df <- data.frame(ID = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3), Name = c("Joseph", "Joseph", "Leo", "Leo", "Joseph", "David"))
  ID   Name
1  1 Joseph
2  1 Joseph
3  2    Leo
4  2    Leo
5  1 Joseph
6  3  David

The goal of the function is to group the dataset by ID and replace all unique ID's with randomly generated ones, like this:


generateRandomString <- function() {
    sample(LETTERS, 1)
replaceUniqueID <- function(data, column_id) { <- data[grep(column_id, colnames(data))] <- data %>%
      group_by(data[grep(column_id, colnames(data))]) %>% 
      mutate_at(column_id, funs(generateRandomString()))

replaceUniqueID(df, "ID")

# A tibble: 6 × 2
# Groups:   ID [3]
  ID    Name  
  <chr> <chr> 
1 D     Joseph
2 D     Joseph
3 R     Leo   
4 R     Leo   
5 D     Joseph
6 Q     David 

My problem is, I want the code to make sure every ID gets replaced with unique string, e.g. David and Leo can't both have D as a replacement for their respective ID's.

I tried to come up with an ifelse statement within mutate but was unable to figure out how to do that.


得分: 0

I will only translate the code part for you:


genRandomIDs <- function(ID, min_length = 2) {
  ID <- unique(ID)
  len <- max(min_length, length(ID) %/% 26 + 1)
  ltrs <-,, replicate(len, LETTERS, simplify=FALSE))
  sample(ltrs, length(ID))
IDdict <- df %>%
  distinct(ID) %>%
  mutate(newID = genRandomIDs(ID))
#   ID newID
# 1  1    OV
# 2  2    IM
# 3  3    WF
df %>%
  left_join(IDdict, by = "ID")
#   ID   Name newID
# 1  1 Joseph    OV
# 2  1 Joseph    OV
# 3  2    Leo    IM
# 4  2    Leo    IM
# 5  1 Joseph    OV
# 6  3  David    WF



I think you can use a translation dictionary to solve this relatively easily.

genRandomIDs &lt;- function(ID, min_length = 2) {
  ID &lt;- unique(ID)
  len &lt;- max(min_length, length(ID) %/% 26 + 1)
  ltrs &lt;-,, replicate(len, LETTERS, simplify=FALSE))
  sample(ltrs, length(ID))
IDdict &lt;- df %&gt;%
  distinct(ID) %&gt;%
  mutate(newID = genRandomIDs(ID))
#   ID newID
# 1  1    OV
# 2  2    IM
# 3  3    WF
df %&gt;%
  left_join(IDdict, by = &quot;ID&quot;)
#   ID   Name newID
# 1  1 Joseph    OV
# 2  1 Joseph    OV
# 3  2    Leo    IM
# 4  2    Leo    IM
# 5  1 Joseph    OV
# 6  3  David    WF


  • genRandomIDs is just a helper function that internally produces a vector of all n-long letter permutations (combined with paste0) and samples from them;
    • the, ...) gives us a frame that expands on each len grouping of letters; that is, expand.grid(LETTERS[1:3],LETTERS[1:3],LETTERS[1:3]) gives us 3^3 permutations of three letters
    • the, ...) takes that frame from expand.grid (which is really just a glorified list) and produces one string per "row".
  • distinct(ID) reduces your df to just one row per ID;
  • since we produce one newID for each unique ID, we now have a 1-to-1 mapping from old-to-new;
  • the left_join assigns the newID for each row (if you aren't familiar with merges/joins, see,

Note: this does not really scale well: since we explode the possible combinations with expand.grid, for a min-length of 2 letters, we produce 676 (26^2) permutations, not a problem. 26^3 produces 17576 possible combinations, whether or not we have that many IDs to uniquify. 26^4 (4 letters) produces 456976, and its delay is "palpable". Five letters is over 11 million, which becomes "stupid" to try to scale to that length (assuming you have that many unique IDs or choose a string of that long.

However ... while inefficient, this method is guaranteed to give you unique newIDs. There are other ways that may be guaranteed at the expense of a (however small) increase in complexity).

Okay, the "increased complexity" here for a more efficient process:

num2alpha &lt;- function(num, chr = letters, zero = &quot;&quot;, sep = &quot;&quot;) {
  len &lt;- length(chr)
  stopifnot(len &gt; 1)
  signs &lt;- ifelse(! &amp; sign(num) &lt; 0, &quot;-&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
  num &lt;- as.integer(abs(num))
  is0 &lt;- ! &amp; num &lt; 1e-9
  # num[num &lt; 1] &lt;- NA
  out &lt;- character(length(num))
  mult &lt;- 0
  while (any(! &amp; num &gt; 0)) {
    not0 &lt;- ! &amp; num &gt; 0
    out[not0] &lt;- paste0(chr[(num[not0] - 1) %% len + 1], sep, out[not0])
    num[not0] &lt;- (num[not0] - 1) %/% len
  if (nzchar(sep)) out &lt;- sub(paste0(sep, &quot;$&quot;), &quot;&quot;, out)
  out[is0] &lt;- zero
  out[] &lt;- NA
  out[!] &lt;- paste0(signs[!], out[!])

IDdict &lt;- df %&gt;%
  distinct(ID) %&gt;%
  mutate(newID = num2alpha(row_number()))
#   ID newID
# 1  1     a
# 2  2     b
# 3  3     c
df %&gt;%
  left_join(IDdict, by = &quot;ID&quot;)
#   ID   Name newID
# 1  1 Joseph     a
# 2  1 Joseph     a
# 3  2    Leo     b
# 4  2    Leo     b
# 5  1 Joseph     a
# 6  3  David     c

The num2alpha works more efficiently (using lower-case here, easily changed by using num2alpha(.., chr=LETTERS)), though it is deterministic here. If you are at all concerned about that, then

IDdict &lt;- df %&gt;%
  distinct(ID) %&gt;%
  mutate(newID = sample(num2alpha(row_number())))

will randomize them for you.

Note that this produces single-letter strings up through 26, then cycles through 2-digit and 3-digit. It also recognized negatives, and while the defatul

num2alpha(c(-5, 0, NA, 1, 25:27, 51:53, 999999), zero=&quot;0&quot;)
#  [1] &quot;-e&quot;    &quot;0&quot;     NA      &quot;a&quot;     &quot;y&quot;     &quot;z&quot;     &quot;aa&quot;    &quot;ay&quot;    &quot;az&quot;    &quot;ba&quot;    &quot;bdwgm&quot;

(Note that this is not a simple base-converter, since we're ignoring "0"-values. Try num2alpha(14:16, c(1:9, LETTERS[1:6]), zero=&quot;0&quot;). Perhaps it can be made to be more general.)

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