英文: Discord.js Autocomplete 'Loading Options Failed' 问题 我正在使用 discord.js v14 创建一个 Discord 机器...
英文: Discord.js Sub-command and sub-command group option types are mutually exclusive to all other ty...
Discord.js v14 | 如何制作一个不会过期的按钮
英文: Discord.js v14 | How do I make a Button that doesn't expire 问题 Here's the translation of the...
instanceof 在条件为真时返回 false。
英文: instanceof returns false on a true condition 问题 // discord-debug import { Client } from 'dis...
在Discord中创建定时事件 | discord.js
英文: Creating a Scheduled Event in Discord | discord.js 问题 由于Discord最近在其API中添加了GuildScheduledEvent,我想...
Discord.js V14 ButtonBuilder() buttons stop updating/getting edited after the 15 minute SlashCommand timeout, how do I bypass the timeout?
英文: Discord.js V14 ButtonBuilder() buttons stop updating/getting edited after the 15 minute SlashCom...
Discord.js v14 分页需要使用 deferReply(),但它会一直发送“Bot is thinking…..”。
英文: Discord.js v14 Pagination requiring deferReply() but it sends "Bot is thinking....." f...
英文: Edit message with channel id and message id using shards 问题 I'm trying to edit a specific messag...
Node.js “node bot.js” 命令未运行(正在构建 Discord 机器人)。
英文: Node.js "node bot.js" command not running (building a discord bot) 问题 以下是您提供的代码的翻译部分: ...
创建使用Jest测试或模拟DiscordJS Fetch/Catch。
英文: Create tests or Mock DiscordJS Fetch/Catch using Jest 问题 I have translated the non-code part of ...