Edit message with channel id and message id using shards
I'm trying to edit a specific message in a specific channel.
I have a getMessage
function that returns me the channel using broadcastEval because I use shards:
async function getMessage(channelId, messageId, client) {
const results = await client.shard.broadcastEval(async (c, { channelId, messageId }) => {
const channel = await c.channels.fetch(channelId);
const message = await channel.messages.fetch(messageId);
return message;
}, { context: { channelId, messageId } });
return results.find(result => result !== null);
module.exports = getMessage;
And when I try to edit my message, I cannot do it:
const message = await getMessage('1114550429917925416', '1118615356701937746', client);
console.log('message', message);
message.edit({ content: 'test' }); // LINE 136
message {
channelId: '1114550429917925416',
guildId: '1060112326361092247',
id: '1118615356701937746',
createdTimestamp: 1686769083906,
type: 0,
system: false,
content: '',
authorId: '829707635787825152',
pinned: false,
tts: false,
nonce: null,
embeds: [
type: 'rich',
title: '🎂 **1**',
color: 5197823,
timestamp: '2023-06-14T18:58:03.718000+00:00',
fields: [Array],
footer: [Object]
components: [
{ type: 1, components: [Array] },
{ type: 1, components: [Array] }
attachments: [],
stickers: [],
position: null,
roleSubscriptionData: null,
editedTimestamp: 1686769084345,
mentions: {
everyone: false,
users: [],
roles: [],
crosspostedChannels: [],
repliedUser: null,
members: [],
channels: []
webhookId: null,
groupActivityApplicationId: null,
applicationId: null,
activity: null,
flags: 0,
reference: null,
interaction: null,
cleanContent: ''
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TypeError: message.edit is not a function
at Object.execute (/src/events/client/ready.js:136:11)
im trying to edit a specific message in a specific channel.
I have getMessage
function than return me the channel using broadcastEval because i use shards:
async function getMessage(channelId, messageId, client) {
const results = await client.shard.broadcastEval(async (c, { channelId, messageId }) => {
const channel = await c.channels.fetch(channelId);
const message = await channel.messages.fetch(messageId);
return message;
}, { context: { channelId, messageId } });
return results.find(result => result !== null);
module.exports = getMessage;
And when I try to edit my message I cannot do it:
const message = await getMessage('1114550429917925416', '1118615356701937746', client);
console.log('message', message);
message.edit({content: 'test'}); // LINE 136
message {
channelId: '1114550429917925416',
guildId: '1060112326361092247',
id: '1118615356701937746',
createdTimestamp: 1686769083906,
type: 0,
system: false,
content: '',
authorId: '829707635787825152',
pinned: false,
tts: false,
nonce: null,
embeds: [
type: 'rich',
title: '📊 **1**',
color: 5197823,
timestamp: '2023-06-14T18:58:03.718000+00:00',
fields: [Array],
footer: [Object]
components: [
{ type: 1, components: [Array] },
{ type: 1, components: [Array] }
attachments: [],
stickers: [],
position: null,
roleSubscriptionData: null,
editedTimestamp: 1686769084345,
mentions: {
everyone: false,
users: [],
roles: [],
crosspostedChannels: [],
repliedUser: null,
members: [],
channels: []
webhookId: null,
groupActivityApplicationId: null,
applicationId: null,
activity: null,
flags: 0,
reference: null,
interaction: null,
cleanContent: ''
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TypeError: message.edit is not a function
at Object.execute (/src/events/client/ready.js:136:11)
得分: 0
const results = await client.shard.broadcastEval(async (c, { channelId, messageId }) => {
const channel = await c.channels.cache.get(channelId);
const message = await channel.messages.fetch(messageId);
message.edit(); // 在这里
}, { context: { channelId, messageId } });
client.myFunction = myFunction;
I found a tricky solution, you should edit your message inside the bEval:
const results = await client.shard.broadcastEval(async (c, { channelId, messageId }) => {
const channel = await c.channels.cache.get(channelId);
const message = await channel.messages.fetch(messageId);
message.edit(); // HERE
}, { context: { channelId, messageId } });
And if you want to call another function inside it declare it before:
client.myFunction = myFunction;
And after call it inside the bEval: