英文: How to avoid almost repeatable model in clean architecture and make code follow DRY principle an...
英文: Event Sourcing and CQRS: Handle concurrency with multiple "read model consumers" insta...
英文: What approach to use when generating qr code in CQRS architecture? 问题 I need to generate a qr co...
Event Sourcing with Python: 如何制作一个投影?
英文: Event Sourcing with Python: How do I make a projection? 问题 I'm trying to learn the event sourcin...
System.AggregateException: 一些服务无法被构建
英文: System.AggregateException: Some services are not able to be constructed 问题 我正在使用 ASP-NET Core 项目...
NestJs – CQRS – 寻找将对象作为构造函数参数传递的简单方法(从DTO到命令)
英文: NestJs - CQRS - Looking for a simple way to pass an object as constructor parameters (From a DTO...
如何在 Axon 上删除 AggregateMember?
英文: How can I delete an AggregateMember on Axon? 问题 我有一个聚合Organization,它可以有多个地址。因此,我们将OrganizationDe...