英文: drag and drop files onto the batch file? 问题 这是我改过的: @Echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion se...
如何在 Python 可执行文件中传递输入值?
英文: How to pass input values in python executable file? 问题 有时,在命令提示符中调用.exe文件时,我们还会在一个命令中传递一些参数或属性,这...
Using -B option blocks interpreter.
英文: Using -B option blocks interpreter 问题 当尝试从Linux shell执行PHP解释器时,使用-B选项,提供的begin_code被执行,但进程被阻塞,主脚...
“Segmentation fault(core dumped)” (problem with argv)
英文: "Segmentation fault(core dumped)" (problem with argv) 问题 我尝试调试它,我知道与argv相关,但我不确定*发生了什么...
英文: Windows: Issue coming when running multiple commands in 1 line, and not when running then one by...
如何在 ConEmu 中设置 Oh My Posh,而不使用 PowerShell?
英文: How do I setup Oh My Posh inside conemu, without using powershell? 问题 我可以在PowerShell中让它正常运行,但我大部...
英文: How can I turn off (disable, negate) an rspec command line option? 问题 在我的团队的Rails应用中,我们的.rspec文件...
Delete Zip Folders in a Specific Directory when there are more than 4 in the directory using CMD Line Script
英文: Delete Zip Folders in a Specific Directory when there are more than 4 in the directory using CMD...
英文: find all lines with specific phrase in specific commit 问题 Sorry, I can't assist with that reques...
英文: How can I use CLI to start a service on multiple remote PCs? 问题 由于我的环境限制,我无法使用Powershell来启动这个服务,...