英文: How to make CMake recognize SFML 问题 我正在尝试编写一个简单的国际象棋应用程序,稍后将用于制作我的国际象棋引擎。我正在使用C++和SFML库(或者至少我想要使...
cmake – cpack组件安装deb为空
英文: cmake - cpack component install deb is empty 问题 我想获取特定组件的deb软件包。当我使用特定的工具链文件IMX6或IMX8时,会设置变量。在使用...
英文: Crosscompilation project on Linux for Windows 问题 I would like to compile C++ http server on my a...
无法检测到 Visual Studio 在配置 QPdf 和 QWebEngine 时。
英文: Cannot detect Visual Studio when configuring QPdf and QWebEngine 问题 我无法配置 QPdf 和 QWebEngine,因为 c...
CMake: USES_TERMINAL argument in add_custom_command(TARGET) does not use console pool with Ninja
英文: CMake: USES_TERMINAL argument in add_custom_command(TARGET) does not use console pool with Ninja...
英文: how to add "L" literal prefix to add_definition in cmake 问题 I wanted to append "L...
CMake – 将列表作为字符串传递给CMake脚本的add_custom_target函数
英文: CMake - Pass a list as a string to add_custom_target for CMake script 问题 add_custom_target 似乎在我不...
CMake target_link_directories 添加了额外意外的目录。如何移除它们?
英文: CMake target_link_directories is adding extra unexpected directories. How can I remove them? 问题 ...
Cmake 无法从 vcpkg 找到包配置文件。
英文: Cmake cannot find package config file from vcpkg 问题 I am trying to write CMakeLists.txt for my g...
英文: How to check whether a target is an aliased target in CMake? 问题 I understand that you want a tra...