英文: No Dockerfile matching /home/vscode/azure-pipelines/_work/1/s/**/Dockerfile was found 问题 在管道中安装D...
英文: Parallelize recursive Makefiles for building multiple Latex Documents in CICD Pipeline 问题 You ca...
Gitlab-runner 在 Docker 中使用 CI/CD DIND 出现错误
英文: Gitlab-runner in docker with ci/cd dind error 问题 无法连接到位于服务器内部 Docker 上运行的 GitLab Runner。该 GitLab...
将项目从GitLab迁移到GitHub -> CI/CD
英文: transfer project from gitlab to github -> ci/cd 问题 我正在将一个项目从GitLab迁移到GitHub,我可以执行拉取和推送等操作,唯一无...
Gitlab CI. 如何配置仅为每个Runner启动一个任务?
英文: Gitlab ci. How to configure the launch of only one task for each runner? 问题 如何配置每个Runner只启动一个任务,...
Jenkins Pipeline 无法初始化仓库(Windows 控制器,Mac 代理)
英文: Jenkins Pipeline couldn't init the repo (Windows controller, Mac agent) 问题 I'm here to provi...
`npm ERR!` `npm ci`只能在package.json和package-lock.json文件存在时安装包。
英文: npm ERR! `npm ci` can only install packages when your package.json and package-lock.json 问题 需要在C...
Terraform 的 for_each 遍历 YAML 文件内容,该文件是一个对象。
英文: Terraform for_each over yaml file contents which is an object 问题 I have a yaml file which is sim...
i want to trigger my jenkins job when a Merge Request if merged to a specific branch is a particular folder in the local machine?
英文: i want to trigger my jenkins job when a Merge Request if merged to a specific branch is a partic...
如何在Azure DevOps Pipelines中正确运行和使用Docker?
英文: How properly run and use Docker in Azure Devops Pipelines? 问题 我尝试在流水线中运行一个 Docker 容器,首先我尝试使用文档:h...