Terraform 的 for_each 遍历 YAML 文件内容,该文件是一个对象。

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Terraform for_each over yaml file contents which is an object


I have a yaml file which is similar to the following (FYI: ssm_secrets can be an empty array):

  repo_name: bitnami
  namespace: rabbitmq
  target_revision: 11.1.1
  path: rabbitmq
  values_file: charts/rabbitmq/values.yaml
  ssm_secrets: []
  repo_name: repo_name_1
  namespace: namespace_1
  target_revision: target_revision_1
  path: charts/path
  values_file: values.yaml
    - name: name-dev-1
      key: .env
      ssm_path: ssm_path/dev
  repo_name: repo_name_2
  namespace: namespace_2
  target_revision: target_revision_2
  path: charts/name-backend
  values_file: values.yaml
    - name: name-backend-app-dev
      ssm_path: name-backend/app/dev
      key: app.ini
    - name: name-backend-abi-dev
      ssm_path: name-backend/abi/dev
      key: contractTokenABI.json
    - name: name-backend-widget-dev
      ssm_path: name-backend/widget/dev
      key: name.ini
    - name: name-abi-dev
      ssm_path: name-abi/dev
      key: name_1.json
    - name: name-website-dev
      ssm_path: name/website/dev
      key: website.ini
    - name: name-name-dev
      ssm_path: name/name/dev
      key: contract.ini
    - name: name-key-dev
      ssm_path: name-key/dev
      key: name.pub

And using External Secrets and EKS Blueprints, I am trying to generate the yaml file necessary to create the secrets:

resource "kubectl_manifest" "secret" {
  for_each   = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets[*].ssm_path]))
  yaml_body  = <<YAML
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: ${replace(each.value, "/", "-")}
  namespace: ${split("/", each.value)[0]}
  refreshInterval: 30m
    name: ${local.cluster_secretstore_name}
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
  - secretKey: .env
       key: ${each.value}
  depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.cluster_secretstore, kubernetes_namespace_v1.namespaces]

The above works fine, but I also need to use the key value from the yaml into secretKey: <key_value from yaml>.

If I try with for_each = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets[*]])), it just gives me the following error:

The given "for_each" argument value is unsuitable: "for_each" supports
maps and sets of strings, but you have provided a set containing type

I have tried converting the variable into a map, used lookup, but it doesn't work. Any help would be much appreciated.

Update 1:

As per @MattSchuchard suggestion, changing the for_each into for_each = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets])) gave the following error:

Error: Invalid for_each set argument

on ../../modules/02-plugins/external-secrets.tf line 58, in resource "kubectl_manifest" "secret":
  58:   for_each   = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets]))

The given "for_each" argument value is unsuitable: "for_each" supports maps and sets of strings, but you have provided a set containing type object.

Update 2:

@mariux gave the perfect solution, but here is what I came up with. It's not that cleaner, but definitely works (PS: I myself am going to use Mariux's solution):

locals {
  my_list = tolist(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets[*]]))

resource "kubectl_manifest" "secret" {

  count      = length(local.my_list)
  yaml_body  = <<YAML
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: ${replace(local.my_list[count.index]["ssm_path"], "/", "-")}
  namespace: ${split("/", local.my_list[count.index]["ssm_path"])[0]}
  refreshInterval: 30m
    name: ${local.cluster_secretstore_name}
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
  - secretKey: ${local.my_list[count.index]["key"]}
       key: ${local.my_list[count.index]["ssm_path"]}
  depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.cluster_secretstore, kubernetes_namespace_v1.namespaces]

I have a yaml file which is similar to the following (FYI: ssm_secrets can be an empty array):

  repo_name: bitnami
  namespace: rabbitmq
  target_revision: 11.1.1
  path: rabbitmq
  values_file: charts/rabbitmq/values.yaml
  ssm_secrets: []
  repo_name: repo_name_1
  namespace: namespace_1
  target_revision: target_revision_1
  path: charts/path
  values_file: values.yaml
    - name: name-dev-1
      key: .env
      ssm_path: ssm_path/dev
  repo_name: repo_name_2
  namespace: namespace_2
  target_revision: target_revision_2
  path: charts/name-backend
  values_file: values.yaml
    - name: name-backend-app-dev
      ssm_path: name-backend/app/dev
      key: app.ini
    - name: name-backend-abi-dev
      ssm_path: name-backend/abi/dev
      key: contractTokenABI.json
    - name: name-backend-widget-dev
      ssm_path: name-backend/widget/dev
      key: name.ini
    - name: name-abi-dev
      ssm_path: name-abi/dev
      key: name_1.json
    - name: name-website-dev
      ssm_path: name/website/dev
      key: website.ini
    - name: name-name-dev
      ssm_path: name/name/dev
      key: contract.ini
    - name: name-key-dev
      ssm_path: name-key/dev
      key: name.pub

And using External Secrets and EKS Blueprints, I am trying to generate the yaml file necessary to create the secrets

resource &quot;kubectl_manifest&quot; &quot;secret&quot; {
  for_each   = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets[*].ssm_path]))
  yaml_body  = &lt;&lt;YAML
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: ${replace(each.value, &quot;/&quot;, &quot;-&quot;)}
  namespace: ${split(&quot;/&quot;, each.value)[0]}
  refreshInterval: 30m
    name: ${local.cluster_secretstore_name}
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
  - secretKey: .env
       key: ${each.value}
  depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.cluster_secretstore, kubernetes_namespace_v1.namespaces]

The above works fine, but I also need to use the key value from the yaml into secretKey: <key_value from yaml>.

If I try with for_each = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets[*]]))

resource &quot;kubectl_manifest&quot; &quot;secret&quot; {
  for_each   = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets[*]]))
  yaml_body  = &lt;&lt;YAML
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: ${replace(each.value[&quot;ssm_path&quot;], &quot;/&quot;, &quot;-&quot;)}
  namespace: ${split(&quot;/&quot;, each.value[&quot;ssm_path&quot;])[0]}
  refreshInterval: 30m
    name: ${local.cluster_secretstore_name}
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
  - secretKey: .env
       key: ${each.value[&quot;ssm_path&quot;]}
  depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.cluster_secretstore, kubernetes_namespace_v1.namespaces]

It just gives me the following error:

> The given "for_each" argument value is unsuitable: "for_each" supports
> maps and sets of strings, but you have provided a set containing type
> object.

I have tried converting the variable into a map, used lookup, but it doesn't work.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Update 1:

As per @MattSchuchard suggestion, changing the for_each into
for_each = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets]))

Gave the following error:

Error: Invalid for_each set argument
│   on ../../modules/02-plugins/external-secrets.tf line 58, in resource &quot;kubectl_manifest&quot; &quot;secret&quot;:
│   58:   for_each   = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets]))
│     ├────────────────
│     │ var.secrets is object with 14 attributes
│ The given &quot;for_each&quot; argument value is unsuitable: &quot;for_each&quot; supports maps and sets of strings, but you have provided a set containing type object.

Update 2:
@mariux gave the perfect solution, but here is what I came up with. It's not that cleaner, but definitely works (PS: I myself am going to use Mariux's solution):

locals {
  my_list = tolist(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets[*]]))

resource &quot;kubectl_manifest&quot; &quot;secret&quot; {

  count      = length(local.my_list)
  yaml_body  = &lt;&lt;YAML
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1beta1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: ${replace(local.my_list[count.index][&quot;ssm_path&quot;], &quot;/&quot;, &quot;-&quot;)}
  namespace: ${split(&quot;/&quot;, local.my_list[count.index][&quot;ssm_path&quot;])[0]}
  refreshInterval: 30m
    name: ${local.cluster_secretstore_name}
    kind: ClusterSecretStore
  - secretKey: ${local.my_list[count.index][&quot;key&quot;]}
       key: ${local.my_list[count.index][&quot;ssm_path&quot;]}
  depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.cluster_secretstore, kubernetes_namespace_v1.namespaces]


得分: 3



  • 您并不真正关心该服务,因为您想使用给定的 keyssm_path 属性创建外部密钥 ssm_secrets.*.name
  • 每个 name 对于所有服务来说都是全局唯一的,不会重复使用。

Terraform 技巧

根据这些假设,您可以创建所有 ssm_secrets 的数组,使用以下代码:

locals {
  ssm_secrets_all = flatten(values(var.secrets)[*].ssm_secrets)

并将其转换为可以在 for_each 中使用的映射,通过按 .name 键入值:

locals {
  ssm_secrets_map = { for v in local.ssm_secrets_all : v.name => v }



  • 使用 yamldecode 将原始输入解码为 local.input
  • 使用 yamlencode 使读取清单更容易,并删除了一些字符串插值。这还确保缩进正确,因为我们将 HCL 转换为 yaml。

terraform init && terraform plan 将计划创建以下资源:

 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-abi-dev"] 将被创建
 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-backend-abi-dev"] 将被创建
 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-backend-app-dev"] 将被创建
 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-backend-widget-dev"] 将被创建
 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-dev-1"] 将被创建
 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-key-dev"] 将被创建
 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-name-dev"] 将被创建
 kubectl_manifest.secret["name-website-dev"] 将被创建
locals {
  # input = var.secrets
  ssm_secrets_all = flatten(values(local.input)[*].ssm_secrets)
  ssm_secrets_map = { for v in local.ssm_secrets_all : v.name => v }

  cluster_secretstore_name = "not provided secretstore name"

resource "kubectl_manifest" "secret" {
  for_each = local.ssm_secrets_map

  yaml_body = yamlencode({
    apiVersion = "external-secrets.io/v1beta1"
    kind       = "ExternalSecret"
    metadata = {
      name      = replace(each.value.ssm_path, "/", "-")
      namespace = split("/", each.value.ssm_path)[0]
    spec = {
      refreshInterval = "30m"
      secretStoreRef = {
        name = local.cluster_secretstore_name
        kind = "ClusterSecretStore"
      data = [
          secretKey = ".env"
          remoteRef = {
            key = each.value.key

  # not included dependencies
  # depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.cluster_secretstore, kubernetes_namespace_v1.namespaces]

locals {
  input = yamldecode(<<-EOF
      repo_name: bitnami
      namespace: rabbitmq
      target_revision: 11.1.1
      path: rabbitmq
      values_file: charts/rabbitmq/values.yaml
      ssm_secrets: []
      repo_name: repo_name_1
      namespace: namespace_1
      target_revision: target_revision_1
      path: charts/path
      values_file: values.yaml
        - name: name-dev-1
          key: .env
          ssm_path: ssm_path/dev
      repo_name: repo_name_2
      namespace: namespace_2
      target_revision: target_revision_2
      path: charts/name-backend
      values_file: values.yaml
        - name: name-backend-app-dev
          ssm_path: name-backend/app/dev
          key: app.ini
        - name: name-backend-abi-dev
          ssm_path: name-backend/abi/dev
          key: contractTokenABI.json
        - name: name-backend-widget-dev
          ssm_path: name-backend/widget/dev
          key: name.ini
        - name: name-abi-dev
          ssm_path: name-abi/dev
          key: name_1.json
        - name: name-website-dev
          ssm_path: name/website/dev
          key: website.ini
        - name: name-name-dev
          ssm_path: name/name/dev
          key: contract.ini
        - name: name-key-dev
          ssm_path: name-key/dev
          key: name.pub

terraform {
  required_version = "~> 1.0"

  required_providers {
    kubectl = {
      source  = "gavinbunney/kubectl"
      version = "~> 1.7"

提示:您也可以尝试使用 kubernetes_manifest 资源 而不是 kubectl_manifest

附注:我们创建了 Terramate 来使复杂的 Terraform 代码创建变得更容易。但这对于纯粹的 Terraform 来说似乎已经足够了。



Based on what you shared, i make the following assumptions:

  • the service is not actually important for you as you want to create external secrets by ssm_secrets.*.name using the given key and ssm_path attributes.
  • each name is globally unique for all services and never reused.

terraform hacks

Based on the assumptions you can create an array of ALL ssm_secrets using

locals {
  ssm_secrets_all = flatten(values(var.secrets)[*].ssm_secrets)

and convert it to a map that can be used in for_each by keying the values by .name:

locals {
  ssm_secrets_map = { for v in local.ssm_secrets_all : v.name =&gt; v }

Full (working) example

The example below works for me and makes some assumption where the variables should be used.

  • Using yamldecode to decode your original input into local.input
  • Using yamlencode to make reading the manifest easier and removing some string interpolcations. This also ensures that the indent is correct as we convert HCL to yaml.

A terraform init &amp;&amp; terraform plan will plan to create the following resources:

 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-abi-dev&quot;] will be created
 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-backend-abi-dev&quot;] will be created
 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-backend-app-dev&quot;] will be created
 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-backend-widget-dev&quot;] will be created
 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-dev-1&quot;] will be created
 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-key-dev&quot;] will be created
 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-name-dev&quot;] will be created
 kubectl_manifest.secret[&quot;name-website-dev&quot;] will be created
locals {
  # input = var.secrets
  ssm_secrets_all = flatten(values(local.input)[*].ssm_secrets)
  ssm_secrets_map = { for v in local.ssm_secrets_all : v.name =&gt; v }

  cluster_secretstore_name = &quot;not provided secretstore name&quot;

resource &quot;kubectl_manifest&quot; &quot;secret&quot; {
  for_each = local.ssm_secrets_map

  yaml_body = yamlencode({
    apiVersion = &quot;external-secrets.io/v1beta1&quot;
    kind       = &quot;ExternalSecret&quot;
    metadata = {
      name      = replace(each.value.ssm_path, &quot;/&quot;, &quot;-&quot;)
      namespace = split(&quot;/&quot;, each.value.ssm_path)[0]
    spec = {
      refreshInterval = &quot;30m&quot;
      secretStoreRef = {
        name = local.cluster_secretstore_name
        kind = &quot;ClusterSecretStore&quot;
      data = [
          secretKey = &quot;.env&quot;
          remoteRef = {
            key = each.value.key

  # not included dependencies
  # depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.cluster_secretstore, kubernetes_namespace_v1.namespaces]

locals {
  input = yamldecode(&lt;&lt;-EOF
      repo_name: bitnami
      namespace: rabbitmq
      target_revision: 11.1.1
      path: rabbitmq
      values_file: charts/rabbitmq/values.yaml
      ssm_secrets: []
      repo_name: repo_name_1
      namespace: namespace_1
      target_revision: target_revision_1
      path: charts/path
      values_file: values.yaml
        - name: name-dev-1
          key: .env
          ssm_path: ssm_path/dev
      repo_name: repo_name_2
      namespace: namespace_2
      target_revision: target_revision_2
      path: charts/name-backend
      values_file: values.yaml
        - name: name-backend-app-dev
          ssm_path: name-backend/app/dev
          key: app.ini
        - name: name-backend-abi-dev
          ssm_path: name-backend/abi/dev
          key: contractTokenABI.json
        - name: name-backend-widget-dev
          ssm_path: name-backend/widget/dev
          key: name.ini
        - name: name-abi-dev
          ssm_path: name-abi/dev
          key: name_1.json
        - name: name-website-dev
          ssm_path: name/website/dev
          key: website.ini
        - name: name-name-dev
          ssm_path: name/name/dev
          key: contract.ini
        - name: name-key-dev
          ssm_path: name-key/dev
          key: name.pub

terraform {
  required_version = &quot;~&gt; 1.0&quot;

  required_providers {
    kubectl = {
      source  = &quot;gavinbunney/kubectl&quot;
      version = &quot;~&gt; 1.7&quot;

hint: you could also try to use the kubernetes_manifest resource instead of kubectl_manifest

p.s.: We created Terramate to make complex creation of Terraform code easier. But this seems perfectly fine for pure Terraform.


得分: 1

如果您修改 for_each 元参数为:

for_each = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets]))

那么在名为 each 的默认名称下,kubernetes_manifest.secret 资源内的 lambda/closure 作用域迭代变量将是 list(object) 类型,表示与 YAML 中的哈希列表类似的所需值(Kubernetes 中的映射列表),可以使用 each.value["ssm_path"] 访问 ssm_path,使用 each.value["key"] 访问 key


If you modify the for_each meta-parameter to:

for_each = toset(flatten([for service in var.secrets : service.ssm_secrets]))

then the lambda/closure scope iterator variable within the kubernetes_manifest.secret resource with default name each will be a list(object) type representing the desired values analogous to the list of hashes in the YAML (list of maps within Kubernetes), and one can access ssm_path with each.value[&quot;ssm_path&quot;], and key with each.value[&quot;key&quot;].

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月2日 02:19:15
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76384672.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
