英文: What is the certificate required for? 问题 我非常了解证书的目的:无论是在一般情况下,还是在 IDS 下创建令牌的特定用途中。当我像这样连接我的 IDP ...
Moq Verify 表示方法从未被调用,但实际上它已经被调用了。
英文: Moq Verify says method was never called, but it was 问题 以下是代码部分的中文翻译: public class KafkaConsumerS...
“The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process” error.
英文: C# "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" er...
添加 Razor 页面组件到 MVC
英文: Add Razor Page Component in MVC 问题 I've added Razor Page Component to my existing MVC applicatio...
英文: Prevent dropdown of Combo Box collapse before item selected 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: "I want when the...
使用变量而不是键码 Unity
英文: Use variable instead of keycode unity 问题 在您提供的代码中,您似乎正在尝试将一个随机选择的单词转换为字符数组,然后跟踪用户是否键入了这些字符。问题出在您...
Can I use a php file on a server, to send data to a C# file which then validates the data, and sends the result back to the php file?
英文: Can I use a php file on a server, to send data to a C# file which then validates the data, and s...
C# – 窗体的鼠标按下事件无效
英文: C# - Mouse Down event for form is not working 问题 我正在尝试制作可拖动的窗体,但当我尝试检测鼠标按下和抬起事件时,却没有触发事件。其他功能似乎是...
Display data in ascending order of a text file in C#.
英文: how to display data in ascending order of a text file c# 问题 我需要按照项目编号的升序对我的代码进行排序并显示。以下是示例代码: st...
英文: Does C# have a short-hand syntax for creating key/value pairs? 问题 I have a C# method declared li...