英文: Declarative Navigation using AutoRoute in Flutter 问题 我正在尝试在我的Flutter应用中使用AutoRoute包实现声明式导航。我在我的A...
英文: MultiBlocProvider does not add event 问题 我将为您翻译代码部分,如下所示: void main() => runApp(const MyApp())...
flutter showCupertinoModalPopup (date picker) with bloc state does not work
英文: flutter showCupertinoModalPopup (date picker) with bloc state does not work 问题 I am stuck in a s...
Flutter: 使用 GlobalKey 访问 BlocProvider
英文: Flutter: Access BlocProvider with a GlobalKey 问题 以下是翻译好的部分: 这是我的BlocProvider(在MainApp内部): final ...
英文: BlocListener doesn't listen a changing state 问题 BlocListener必须在LoginBloc的状态为LogIn()时运行HomeEv...
英文: Does the "equal" property in flutter freezed replace the need of Equatable? 问题 以下是您要翻译...
为什么我的 Bloc Listener 在同一事件中发生多次触发时,不监听状态的变化?
英文: Why isn't my Bloc Listener listening to state changes during multiple emits in the same even...
Flutter StreamBuilder 在推送另一个屏幕后继续更新。
英文: Flutter StreamBuilder continue to be updated after push another screen 问题 I'm totally lost with ...
英文: Why is Bloc state not updating when using reactive_forms in flutter? 问题 Here is the translated c...
英文: Flutter Timer widget still playing after navigating to another screen 问题 In my app, I have a cus...