英文: In go, is it backwards compatible to change a receiver struct from a value to a pointer? 问题 从代码开...
C++17 std::transform_reduce的替代实现
英文: C++17 alternative implementation for std::transform_reduce 问题 我正在处理一个项目,该项目使用C++20标准开发,但我需要在一个旧的...
C2x: `alignas` 作为关键字而不是宏的理由是什么?
英文: C2x: what is the rationale for alignas to be a keyword rather than a macro? 问题 1990年,P.J. Plauge...
Curator 5.x与Zookeeper客户端3.5.x以及Zookeeper服务器3.4.x
英文: Curator 5.x with Zookeeper client 3.5.x and Zookeeper server 3.4.x 问题 ZooKeeper 3.4.x is no long...
英文: Replacing InternalSimpleValue constructor in ElasticSearch version 7 问题 我正在将ElasticSearch Java代码...